64.6% of people click on Google ads when they are looking to buy an item online. (WordStream, 2016)

Pay per click advertising allows businesses to appear to the right people, in the right place, at exactly the right time. It gives us the opportunity to control the volume of traffic we get, when we get it, and gives us the power to bring interested prospects back to our website, again and again.

No matter what industry you’re in, if you’re looking to grow your business, pay per click advertising is a great way to do it.

Though it has many very powerful benefits, pay per click advertising also makes it very easy to spend, and waste, money. Just one rogue keyword, inaccurate targeting parameter or poorly performing ad can see your marketing budget trickle away, with no results.

To really benefit from PPC advertising, you need to run a carefully controlled, fully optimised campaign. That’s where we come in…

Our Pay Per Click Management Services

In order for your Adwords, Bing, Facebook Ads or other pay per click account to operate effectively, it needs regular attention. With every visitor who sees your ad, user who clicks or prospect that converts, you will receive valuable data that can help you to increase the effectiveness of your campaign. Our pay per click management services allow you to have the benefit of a professional PPC management team monitoring and optimising your account regularly and consistently. We will ensure that all best practices are followed. We will also regularly optimise the campaigns to show continual improvement and efficiencies.

Who’s it for?

All pay per click accounts should be carefully managed. However, in order for it to be worthwhile for businesses to pay for their account to be professionally managed, we recommend that they are spending at least £1000 on ad spend each month. If you fit into this bracket, then our pay per click management services will almost certainly provide great value for you and your company.

Getting Started

We have a number of different pay per click management packages to suit companies of all sizes and ad spends. If you’re interested in plugging the holes in your AdWords or other PPC campaigns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have, and recommend what we see as the best options for you.