No matter what industry you’re in, PPC marketing is a proven way to get your brand, products and services in front of a large target audience.

If you’re not using PPC services to advertise and grow your business, now is a great time to start. Consumer behaviour has undoubtedly changed in response to the global pandemic, and the paid advertising market is still expected to grow.

So how could investing in PPC services benefit your business?

The benefits of PPC services

Easy-to-measure results

One of the biggest benefits of PPC advertising is the ability to measure your results through the use of metrics. You can easily see which elements of your PPC campaign are performing well and which areas need improvement, allowing you to respond accordingly. Common metrics include conversion rate, impressions and click rates, which all help to work out your return on investment.

Better reach

Keyword research allows you to identify what your target audience is searching for and adapt your PPC campaign accordingly. Most social media platforms will allow you to adjust the ad settings and change the demographics to match the requirements of your target audience, giving you more qualified leads.

Increased traffic

PPC services can quickly increase your exposure by showing your advertising campaign to hundreds of thousands of people. As consumers in your target market get familiar with your brand they are more likely to engage with and click on your ads, driving more traffic to your site.

Meet your business goals

A compelling reason to use PPC services for business owners is that PPC can be used to support various marketing goals, such as boosting traffic or increasing app downloads. If your goals change, you can easily adapt your strategy and campaign to reflect the new objectives.

Get results fast

Unlike other marketing methods such as email and organic, PPC campaigns can be set up quickly, and results can be seen within hours. PPC services can give your business immediate impact by pushing you to the top of the search results in a short amount of time.

Brand exposure

PPC advertising can get your products or services in front of people who don’t even know that your business exists. Not only does brand exposure increase your reach, but it also builds credibility and trust with your target audience.

How to invest in PPC services smartly

Although PPC has many benefits, it’s also easy to spend, and waste, money on ads if they are not carefully controlled and fully optimised.

The current pandemic requires marketers to be responsive, flexible and creative to achieve results in uncertain times. By working with a PPC marketing agency, you can utilise their PPC expertise to benefit your strategy and improve your results.

Here are our top tips on how to invest smartly in these services:

Determine your budget

Every business needs to be comfortable with their budget for ad spend. We recommend that an ad spend of at least £1000 each month will make it worthwhile for businesses to pay for their account to be professionally managed.

Use the right keywords and wording

Without the right keywords and ad wording, your customers won’t be able to find you in the search engines. Conduct some research to find out what search terms customers use to find your products or services. Low clicks and conversions could be a sign of a low-performing keyword.

PPC campaigns allow you to remove these keywords and add new ones that will optimise your campaign to improve your performance.

Set achievable goals

What do you want your PPC campaign to achieve? Write a list of business goals in order of priority and focus on one at a time. It’s important to regularly review your goals to ensure they are still relevant and in alignment with the marketplace. Goals could include revenue growth, increasing conversion rates or expanding your reach.

Research the competitive landscape

Analyse your competitors’ PPC campaigns to find out what keywords they are using and which ones are getting the best results. Your findings can be used to shape your PPC strategy and prevent you from making the same mistakes other companies have made.

Get your landing pages ready

To improve your website conversion rate the landing page needs to appeal to your audience. Your landing page should:

If your landing page isn’t set up correctly you will lose customers at the final stage and waste your PPC marketing efforts.

Use ad copy to attract customers

A successful PPC advert contains carefully crafted words that speak directly to the target audience. Statistics, keywords and words such as ‘free’ or ‘guaranteed’ achieve good results. Many companies choose to outsource their campaigns to a PPC services company because writing compelling ads can be time-consuming. Writing effective ads is a difficult skill to master.

Partner with a company who specialises in PPC services

Partnering with an agency can save you time and money and get you the best results. It’s important to work with a company who has specific industry experience in your sector. Share your business goals and objectives and work together to achieve the best results.

Our PPC services give you the benefit of a professional PPC management team monitoring and optimising your account regularly and consistently, allowing you time to focus on other areas of your business. Invest in PPC marketing today.