Today, digital marketing is an integral part of any company’s advertising strategy. Yet it can be tough to generate brand awareness with a particular demographic when the internet is such a crowded marketplace.

Through utilising the largest global search engine to increase traffic, Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is an essential tool for increasing brand awareness, and it offers many benefits besides clicks and conversions.

In this article, we’ll outline a few of them, including:

Using Google Ads in your brand awareness strategy

The ultimate goal of every Google Ads campaign is to direct people from Google’s search engine to your website. Beyond this, the benefits of using Google Ads as a brand awareness tool are numerous.

You’ll be able to compete on Google

If you want your customers to buy your products, they must be able to find your website in the first place. A Google Ads campaign will allow your business to utilise key search terms to appear at the top of search results.

Google Ads is quick and effective

While SEO will always be a valuable marketing strategy, its biggest drawback is that it can be incredibly time-consuming. Digital search advertising meanwhile allows your keywords to appear in search engines immediately, generating traffic at a rate that would take months or through regular SEO practices.

Google Ads also allows you to focus on multiple keywords simultaneously and turn campaigns on and off. While it is worth utilising SEO as a solid long-term strategy, Google Ads is a valuable tool for attracting immediate traffic. It’s worth noting that using a combination of these two methods is the most effective way to build a long-term brand awareness strategy.

You can reach a bigger audience

Investing in a Google Ads campaign opens up the potential of accessing a vast online customer pool. Tapping into an online audience provides a level playing field for businesses of all sizes.

Rather than having to spend time building your reputation from scratch, which can be a long and time-consuming process, you can immediately access the same audience pool as much larger brands.

Use of Gmail to reach audiences

Employing high-performing email marketing campaigns is a frequently used advertising strategy, and a benefit of using Google Ads is its integration of Gmail.

Towards the end of 2015, Google paired Gmail with Google Adwords (as it was known then), making it available to all advertisers using the platform. Gmail ads can now appear in either the promotion of social inbox tabs and, as a bonus, tend to be more affordable than search engine ads.

Honed targeting options

Google Ads offers numerous methods to directly target the customers you want to reach. It allows the option of Custom Affinity Audiences in order to identify the audience most relevant to your business.

This can then be paired with ‘Similar to’ audiences, a method that finds audiences similar to those on your remarketing list (more on remarketing to come) to widen the pool of potential customers.

You can use RDA ad formats

Google Ads offers RDAs (Responsive Display Ads) as a key ad format that fits better with most web inventories than traditional ad banners do. They are eye-catching and bold, and therefore an ideal tool for increasing brand awareness.


Arguably the most fruitful aspect of using Google Ads as a brand awareness strategy is its ability to measure click-through and conversion rates to document PPC advertising performance and, where necessary, scale ads up or down. Such clear monitoring allows you to ensure your budget is being utilised well.

This measurability comes in use again in terms of assessing competitors due to the transparency of Google Ads. By monitoring the promotion and ad choices of your competitors, you can ensure that you stay proactive and unique in comparison.

Increase your data

By pairing your Google Ads account with Google Analytics, you can gather data concerning the bounce rate of your landing page, how long a visitor stayed on your page and details regarding which of the visitors were new and which were returning.

This data can then be used to better analyse your campaign’s success. With it, you can alter your keywords, campaigns and ads accordingly, or write posts and articles with keywords you can see are performing well for customers that you know are visiting your site.

Schedule adverts with Google Ads

Another benefit of Google Ads is that you can schedule ads in advance with specific requirements – for example, when you know your target audience is likely to be online. The platform offers the potential to have your message seen at the right time by the right people, which is a marketing necessity.

The option of remarketing lists

Google Ads offers the option of remarketing, a technique that allows the creation of a list of customers who have visited your website in order to remarket to them. So, if customers have visited your site but left before purchasing or properly engaging, remarketing allows for your ads to be shown across the other sites that these users visit to remind them of your business.

As a brand awareness strategy, remarketing works best when combined with Google Ads and Facebook data, segmenting the audience to continue sending the right message to the people who want to see it.

If you’re looking to build brand awareness with PPC and it sounds like Google Ads could be a tool to benefit your business, contact Online Scientists for tailored advice and support.